Beverly Card School

TheBiggest Little Bridge Book in the World

Back in the early sixties, The Card School, run by Edgar Kaplan, Jim Becker
and others published a bridge book written in concise form to answer bridge questions that commonly arose.

Jim Becker, who passed away in 1994, updated the book in the early eighties
rewriting many of the chapters and modernizing the text. The
Beverly Card School
has recently published our newest edition of the Biggest Little Book.

The Biggest Little Bridge Book provides, in very concise form most of the answers to your questions as you advance in your knowledge of the game.

We know that mastery of the fundamentals is and continues to be of first rate importance for all bridge players.

To order please send checks made payable to The Beverly Card School to:
Beverly Bridge Books

2 East End Avenue PH H

New York N.Y. 10075

For credit card orders please call 877 569 0324
Visa/Mastercharge accepted
All books mailed by USPS 2 day / 3 day priority mail unless otherwise requested
1 Book-$8.00 plus $2.00 per order
2 Books-$8.00 per book plus $2.50 per order
3  Books-$8.00 per book plus $3.50 per order
4 -12 Books-$7.00 per book plus $6.00 per order
Please add sales tax of 8.75% for each book mailed to New York State addresses.  
CANADIAN PRICES: $7 per copy, plus postage and handling charges in US dollars for delivery to Canada:
1 Book -$8.00 per copy plus $3.00 per order
2-3 Books -$8.00 per copy plus $6.00 per order
4- 12 Books - $7.00 per copy plus $11.00 per order
Please make checks payable to: THE BEVERLY CARD SCHOOL, in US funds Only


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