
2          1♣ OPENING

5          1♦ OPENING

5          1NT OPENING





11        GAME TRIES

            FOURTH SUIT

12        1♥ OPENINGS

13        1♠ OPENINGS

14        JACOBY 2NT

18        2♣ OPENINGS

20        2♦ OPENINGS

21        GOOD BAD 2NT

            OVER OPPONENTS 1NT



23        3NT OVERCALL

            VS WEAK NT




            TO DOUBLE OVER WEAK 2



            ADVANCERS ACTIONS (after 1 level overcall)


27        REVERSES

            OVER PENALTY X OF 1NT


            BALANCING NT

            SHARRIF 3♦ OPENING

            SUPPORT X



            WEAK 2♥ AND WEAK 2♠




            JUMP RAISE IN COMP

31        JUMP Q BIDS


            TRANSFER AFTER OPPONENTS NEG X (not ♦ overcall)     


34         TRAP DOUBLES


                        We make a TO X  and opponent bids

Power auctions after our TO double

Opponent’s Responder  q bids our overcall

Mixed raise rules

                        Over Opponent’s  3 of minor

                        Delayed Heart Raises

                        Inverted Minor § auction





All sample hands from actual play





            2= 4+GF

            2♦ = 4+exactly inv. (balanced )

            2= 5+♥ and 4♠ 6-9PC

                        2NT =  forcing

                                    responder bids out shape

                        3♣ = non force

            2= 4+weakest raise or strong splinter

                        2NT = forcing able to accept game opposite some weak jump raises

responder shows singleton at 3 level signs off or bids 3NT with minimums

            2NT = forcing

            3= mixed raise

            3♦//= 9-11(12) 0-1// ® now 4to play

            4= pre.

            4♦ = ♣ RKCB

            4♥/= to play


1§ - 1¨ could be directionless type hand with no major ie 3 card suit.


1§ - 1© - 3¨= Jump reverse to 3¨ shows unbalanced 4 card © raise with minimum opening bid and not a high degree of wastage.  

Singleton is unknown, opener might also be 22 with minimal wastage 3♠ asks singleton ,1st step = 22 then singletons. Could also be 5 level splinter.

1§ - 1© - 3© = Full value non forcing raise without large degree of duplication. 3 by responder is ask - no singleton (4432 18 count), 2/2, singleton  lower , singleton higher.

1§ - 1© - 3ª = Average  4 level splinter in either ª or ¨. 3NT asks, 4 = ¨ singleton,

4♦ = ª singleton. (note revised treatment when playing 2¨opening 18-19)

1§ - 1© - 3NT = Solid § 17-20 (note revised treatment when playing 2¨opening 18-19)

1§ - 1© - 4§ = Balanced 4 level raise.  Responder bids 4¨ with fitting and or limit values inviting opener to continue. (note revised treatment when playing 2¨opening 18-19)

1§ - 1© - 4¨ = 4 level © raise with   6 or 7 card § suit. (note revised treatment when playing 2¨opening 18-19)

1§ - 1© - 4© = Distributional raise with minimum opening bid (usually 11 cards in 2 suits)


1§ - 1ª -3¨ = Jump reverse to 3¨ shows unbalanced 4 card ª raise with minimum opening bid and not a high degree of wastage. 

Opener has singleton  ♦ or  22 with minimal wastage. Could also be 5 level splinter. Relay asks

1§ - 1ª - 3© =  Jump reverse to 3© shows unbalanced 4 card ª raise with minimum opening bid and not a high degree of wastage. 

Singleton is known. Could also be 5 level splinter

1§ - 1ª - 3ª = Full value non forcing raise without large degree of duplication. 3NT by responder is shape ask then, no singleton (4432 18 count), 2/2, singleton  lower , singleton higher. 4 level cue bids by responder are ?.

1§ - 1ª - 3NT = Solid § 17-20(note revised treatment when playing 2¨opening 18-19)

1§ - 1ª - 4§= Average  4 level splinter in either ¨ or ©. 4¨ asks, 4© = ♦ singleton, 4ª = singleton. (note revised treatment when playing 2¨opening 18-19)

1§ - 1ª - 4¨ = Balanced 4 level raise.  Responder bids 4© with fitting and or limit values inviting opener to continue. (note revised treatment when playing 2¨opening 18-19)

1§ - 1ª - 4©= 4 level ª raise with solid 6 or 7 card § suit(note revised treatment when playing 2¨opening 18-19)

1§ - 1ª - 4ª = Distributional raise with minimum opening bid. (usually 11 cards in 2 suits)


1♣,1♦ (P) 1♥ (P)

2♥             2♠  = asking (responder must use this checkback when holding only 4 trumps , bidding at 3 level promises 5 trumps by responder)

                        2NT = semi natural  3 trump raise no singletons

                                    3♣ or 3♦ to play

                        3♣ = 3 trump raise minimum unbalanced (responder could pass 3♣)

3♦ relay asks shortness in ♣ auction (to play in ♦ auction) 3♥ = relay in ♦ auction

                        3♦ =  3 trump raise max unbalanced

                                    3♥ relay asks shortness

                        3♥ = to play 4 trumps

                        3♠ = 3 trump max balanced

                        3NT = ♠ splinter


2NT also forcing over 2♥ with fourth

            3♠ by opener non force


1♣,1♦ (P) 1(P)

2♠              2NT = asking (responder must use this checkback when holding only 4 trumps , bidding at 3 level promises 5 trumps by responder)

3♣ = 3 trump raise minimum  balanced (responder could pass 3♣ or correct to 3♦ in ♦ auction)

3♦ =  3 trump raise minimum unbalanced 3♥ asks singletom                                   

3 =  3 trump raise maximum unbalanced relay asks singleton (whenever max is shown relay asks)

3♠ = 4 card support

3NT = 3 trump raise max balanced




1§ - 1NT -      3¨ = 3316 strong

                        3© = 3136

                        3ª = 1336

                                    4♣ non forcing



1§ - 2NT (when playing  2NT forcing) *     

3§ = forcing to game

                        3¨ = forcing to game

                        3© = singleton

                        3ª= singleton

            4 = ace asking

4¨ = Texas to ©

4© = Texas to ª



1§ - 1¨

2NT - 3§ = relay to 3¨

          3¨ = 5+¨ bal

          3© = 4 11+PC

          3ª = 4 11+PC

          4§ = §RKCB

          4¨ = ¨RKCB

          4©/ª = exclusion §


1§   - 1¨

2NT - 3§

3¨   - 3©   = 0-1©

          3ª   = 0-1ª

          3NT = § mild slam try

          4§ = § slam try

          4©/ª = exclusion ¨



2NT JUMP SHIFT OVER 1§, 1♦ - 1♥

1§ -     1♥

2NT     3§ = shows openers minor

            3¨ forces 3© (in © auction)

                        3NT = natural choice of game

                        3♠ asks specifically for 3 trumps

            3© = spades 4-4 or 4-5 (guarantees 4 ª’s)

opener rebids at 4 level with 4 card ª suit,

opener bids 3ª with 3 card © support

opener bids 3NT without 3 card © support

 3♠ = other minor

            in ♦ auction responder tends to be canapé in black suits

            in ♣ auction responder is generally 5/5 in pointed suits



2NT JUMP SHIFT OVER 1§,1♦ - 1(note revised treatment when playing 2¨opening 18-19)

1§ -     1

2NT     3§ = shows openers minor

            3¨ = checkback, bid 3 card ª support first, bid 3© with 3 or 4 ©’s then responder bids 3ª with 4 ©’s

            3♥ = spade transfer

            3♠ = other minor


2NT JUMP SHIFT OVER 1§,1♦ - 1 © 1♠ (when playing 2¨ opening 18-19 balanced)


openers 2NT rebid shows 6 card minor 15-18 “trick taker”forcing 1 round or 2425 4225 4252 2452 power raises (allowing step bids by responder if interested ) opener may also jump to 4 of responders major with uninterested power raises

1§ -     1♥

2NT     3§ = to play

                        3¨,3©,3ª = probes, 4§ = 2425 power raise

            3¨ = checkback force

3© =natural force

            3♠ = 5,6


1§ -     1ª

2NT     3§ = to play

                        3¨,3©,3ª = probes, 4§ = 4225 power raise

            3¨ = checkback force

3© =5-5 majors forcing

            3♠ = natural


1¨ -     1♥

2NT     3§ = checkback force

            3¨ = to play

                        3©,3ª = probes, 4§ = 2452 power raise

3© =natural force

            3♠ = 5,6



1¨ -     1ª

2NT     3§ = checkback force

            3¨ = to play

                        3©,3ª = probes, 4§ = 4252 power raise

3© =5-5 majors forcing

            3♠ = natural






            2= 4+GF

            2♦ = 4+♦¨ inverted

            2= 5+and 4+6-9PC

                        2NT = forcing

                                    responder bids out shape

                        3♣ = directionless force

                        3♦ = negative

2= 4+♦ weakest raise or strong splinter (over openers 3♦ rebid show        singleton ,3NT = singleton ♣ limited , 4♣ = strong singleton ♣)

            2NT = forcing*

            3= 6+inv.

            3♦ = mixed raise

            3//= 9-11(12) 0-1// ® now 4♦ to play

            4♣ = ♦RKCB

            4♦ = pre

            4/= to play


1¨ - 1NT –     3§ = strong jump shift natural

3© = 3163 strong jump shift values

                        3ª = 1363 strong jump shift values

                                    4♦ non forcing


1¨ - 2NT (when playing  2NT forcing) *     

3§ = forcing to game

                        3¨ = forcing to game

                        3© = singleton

                        3ª= singleton

            4 = ace asking

4¨ = Texas to ©

4© = Texas to ª




1N-      2

2♦-       2♥ = crawling stayman

             2♠ = invitational distributional playable only in ♠ (also 1N - 2♣ - 2♥ -2♠*)

            4♣ = quantitative with major and 4 card minor

                        4♦ = relay asks minor

                                    4♥ = ♣

                                                4♠ asks

                                                            4NT = minimum

                                    4♠ = ♦ with minimum

                                    4NT = ♦ with maximum

                        4♥ = 5 card ♣ suit

                        4♠ = 5 card ♦ suit

                        4NT = always negative by opener

5NT = forcing in above auctions

            4 = 55majors opener chooses




: Both




1NT – 2♣

2♦ -      4

4♦ -      4NT

5♣-      6♦


4♦, 4♥ = texas




1N – 2♣

2 - 3=  forcing. 3N asks singleton responder then shows singletons at 4 level (no void step available)                       


1N-      2

2-      3 = force

                        relay asks shortness void step first


            4♣ = balanced slam try in opener’s major

            4♦ = ♣ + other major

            4 other major = ♦ + major


1N-2D opener generally bids 2H.  The only way to super accept H is to bid 2S.

If opener super accepts with 2ª then 2NT = retransfer , all other continuations show relay hands


1N       2D       2H       2S=relay forces 2N then:       



3H=5/5/majors invitational.

3S=5/5 majors force.

3NT=5/5 majors but also minor suit stoppers

4C or 4D = fragment (and void in 4th suit)


E Deals

E-W Vul





































EW 4N; EW 4♠; EW 4; EW 2; EW 2♣; Optimal Contract −630

1N       2D      

2H       2S=relay forces

2N then: 3NT=5/5 majors but also minor suit stoppers







1N       2D       2H       2N=natural, opener can bid 3C, 3D to further game try.       

1N       2D       2H       3C,3D=natural force does not promise slamish values.

                                    4 of other minor shows good fit for both responders suits

in auctions where there is no “space” ie ¨ over © opener cannot move if responder bids 3NT      

1N       2D       2H       3H=natural invitation 

1N       2D       2H       3S=long H forcing. 3N asks singleton responder then shows singletons at 4 level (no void step available)


1N       2D       2H       3N=natural     

1N       2D       2H       4C=slam try no shortness, opener bids 4♦ last train

1N       2D       2H       4D=    

1N       2D       2H       4H=slam try weaker trump no shortness       

1N       2D       2H       4N=quantitative

1N       2D       2S        Only heart super accept.  Responder bids 2N with heart length.  All   other responder bids shown hand types of relay above.


Jacoby Sequences


1N       2H       2S        2N=natural, opener may bid 3C,3D or 3H to re game try

1N       2H       2S        3C,3D=natural force not necessarily slammish

1N       2H       2S        3H= unbalanced force with long spades. Opener rebids 3S. Res bids               3N to show void (opener relays with 4C to find void 4D=C 4H=D 4S=H) or shows singleton 4C=C 4D=D 4H=H

1N       2H       2S        3S=natural

1N       2H       2S        3N=natural

1N       2H       2S        4C= slam try no shortness,

1N       2H       2S        4D=

1N       2H       2S        4H=

1N       2H       2S        4S= slam try weaker trump no shortness

1N       2H       2S        4N=quantitative

1N       2H       2S        5N=quantitative


Super Acceptances show 4 trump


1N       2H       2N       Super accept with H doubleton. 3H=retransfer

1N       2H       3C       Super accept with C doubleton.  3H=retransfer

1N       2H       3D       Superaccept with D doubleton. 3H=retransfer

1N       2H       3S        Superaccept with 4 trump good values


1N – 2N –  3C = don’t like D

1N – 2N –  3D = like D

1N – 2N – 3C - 3D  to play

1N – 2N –  3C or 3D – 3H = shortness

1N – 2N –  3C or 3D – 3S = shortness

1N – 2N –  3C or 3D – 4C = shortness

1N – 2N –  3C or 3D – 4D =  1430 redwood

1N – 2N –  3C or 3D – 4H, 4S, 5C = exclusion bw



1NT - 2ª = either clubs or 2nt raise

            opener cannot bid 3§ without maximum

            allowing responder to guarantee a major with stayman or  acceptance as follows when not using this option

(1N – 2S – 2N = “don’t like clubs”

1N – 2S - 3C = “like clubs”)


1N – 2S – 2N - 3C to play

1N – 2S – 2N or 3C– 3D*= either short D or mild quantitative raise/ 3H asks/ 3S = short D, 3N = mild quantitative raise

1N – 2S – 2N or 3C – 3H, 3S = shortness

1N – 2S – 2N or 3C – 4C = 1430 redwood

1N – 2S – 2N or 3C – 4D, 4H, 4S = exclusion bw

1N – 2S – 2N or 3C– 4N = full quantitative



1N       3C       3D       asks res to bid 3H  with 31xy,  bid 3S 13xy, bid 3NT with 22xy

 Res may bid higher with quantitative values (not res 3NT with 13xy).

1N       3C       3H       natural

1N       3C       3S        natural

1N       3C       3N       to play



1NT - 3¨

            3©, 3ª = concentration

            4§, 4¨ = not redwood, slot bid by responder  shows interest

1N       3D       3N       To play



1N       3H       3S        natural,

1N       3H       3N       Natural

1N       3♠

            4♣ = slam try any suit relay asks suit

            4♦ = xfer to hearts poor hand

            4♥ = excellent hearts (5 card suit)



1N       4N = 3343 or 3334

1N       4♠ = 44 minors

1N       4♣ = gerber




            (2§) x = stayman all other system on


(2¨) 2NT = xfer to §,

                        3♥ =  

3♠ = ♥ canapes

3♣ = stayman (unbalanced),

3¨= transfer to ♥, 3© = transfer to ª, invitational values

3♠ = HCP to play 3NT no stopper


(2♥) 2NT = xfer to § (correction to 3 ♦  = to play),

                        3♥ = ♠ canapé

                        3♠ = q bid

                        3NT = balanced cards no stopper

3§ = xfer to ¨ (invitational values)

3¨ = xfer to (invitational values, opener can Q ♥ with acceptance and choice of game),

3♥ Q bid = stayman (unbalanced),

3♠ =  HCP to play 3NT both minors


(2) 2NT = xfer to §(correction to 3 of red suit  = to play),

                        3NT = balanced cards no stopper

3§ = xfer to ¨(invitational values) ,

3¨ = xfer to (invitational values, opener can Q with acceptance and choice of game),

3♠ Q bid = stayman (unbalanced),

3 = HCP to play 3NT both minors


Jumps to 3NT to play




  1. 1NT – ( 2NT ) - 3§   = 5-4 M’s

                                3¨   = © inv +

                                3©   = ª inv +

                                3NT = 5-5 M’s game

                                       4§ = 5-5 M’s slam.

                                                4♦,4♥ = texas  


     2. 1NT – ( 3§ ) -         3¨   = © inv +

                                   3©   = ª inv +

                                                 3♠ = ♦

                                   3NT =  SO

                                         4§ = 5-5 M’s

                                                  4♦,4♥ = texas  

  1. 1NT –( 3¨ ) -  3© = ª inv +

                              3ª = © GF

                              3NT = SO 

                               4§ = M’s

                                           4♦,4♥ = texas  

                                                (no way to show ♣)

  1. 1NT – (3♥) -               3ª =

X = 4 or 5ª  (opener bids 3ª with 3 and 4  ª with 4)

4♥ = texas

4♣ = ♦

4♠ = ♣ + ♦

4NT = minors 

      5.   1NT – (3) -      4♣ = ♦

                                       4♦ = ♥

                                       4♥ = ♣

                                       4♠ = minors

      6.   1NT – (4♣) -      4♦ = ♥

                                       4♥ =

                                       4♠ =

                                       4NT = to play




Texas on over interference  through 4♣


1N – 4D – 4H -4S = exclusion bw, 4N = 1430 bw, 5C,5D = exclusion bw


1N-  4H – 4S – 4N = 1430 bw 5C, 5D, 5H = exclusion bw



1NT (P) 2♣ (X)

            XX = business (with 4 trump , with 5 trump pass and hope for xx)

2♦ = no major with ♣ stopper

2♥  = ♥ + stopper

2♠ = ♠ + stopper

            Pass = no ♣ stopper


1NT (P) 2♣ (X) P (P)  XX  (P)


2♦ = no major, no stopper

2♥  =

2♠ =

            2NT = both majors

                        3♣ = slam try in ♥

                                    3♦ = retransfer

                        3♦ = slam try in ♠

                                    3♥ = retransfer


1NT (P) 2♣ (X) P (P)

            2♦,2♥ = normal weak

            2♠ = invitational only in ♠

            3♣ = 3 suiter with void

            3♦ = ♦ and major void in ♣

            3♥ = reverse smolen with ♣ void

            3♠ = reverse smolen with ♣ void

            4 major to play




If opponent doubles a major suit transfer,

            XX = business

accept shows fit,  + stopper in opponents suit

pass shows no stopper in opponents suit and or doubleton in major


xx by responder = retransfer (in ♥ auction responder must xx with 4441 etc)

            If responder bids new  suit it is forcing. 

After XX retransfer then if responder bids new  suit it is non forcing

If responder accepts his own transfer it is invitational

If responder jumps and accepts his own transfer it is forcing



2NT – 3§ asks, opener bids better major or rebids 3¨ with minimum

2NT - 3¨ = negative



            After a 1NT overcall of a major

            2♣ = ♦ transfer

            2♦ = transfer to other major

            Q bid = stayman

            2 = ♣ transfer (in ♠ auction)

2 = ♣ transfer (in ♥ auction)

                        2NT by opener = doesn’t like

                        3♣ by opener =   likes

            2NT = natural

            3♣,3♦ = front of card



            2/1s are completely game forcing

            Rebid major with minimum (even with only 5 cards)

            Opener,s jump rebid shows solid suit with extras

            Opener’s jump shift to 3 level = extra value 2 suiter

            Opener’s raise of responders minor shows 4 card support

            Openers jump to 4 level shows splinter


1♦ (P) 2 (P)

3* = does not guarantee 4 card support as in major opening  2/1


1 (P) 2 minor (P)

2 (P) 3 (P)

3* = not cue, shows 6 +


Passed hand 2/1 variations

            Opener rebids suit at 2 level = non force

            Opener raises responders suit to 3 level = non force

            New suit by opener = forcing

            New suit at 3 level by opener = game force

            2 or 2 rebid by opener = semi natural, forcing

            After   P (P) 1 (P)

2 (P) 2NT= non force




After a 1NT rebid 2§ forces 2¨ (opener has no options) Responders rebids are invitational.

After a 1NT rebid 2¨ is a game force. Hide 4 card ♥ holdings   at this point

After a 1NT rebid 3§ is always to play

After a 1NT rebid 3¨, 3©, 3ª are slammish one suiters , two suiters or raises. § slam trys must start with 2¨

After a 1NT rebid  over a 1© response ,2ª = 44 majors 10-12

After a 1NT rebid  2 of a major shows no invitational strength

After a 1NT rebid 2NT is natural with no 5 card suits. With a 5 card suit and  invitational values, responder bids 2§ first and over 2¨ bids 2NT

            1m – 1♠ - 1NT – 2♦ 2 = 3 cards, 2 denial does not guarantee 4 s

By passed hand revert to new minor forcing, weak jumps to 3§ and 3¨ remain the same



1M -2M new suit = help suit try

1©-2© -2ª forces 2NT opener then makes a short suit try (© = replacement for  ª)

1ª-2ª- 2NT forces 3§ then opener makes a short suit try (singleton ask key is always lowest to lowest thus 3♦= ♣ shortness…)

These trys could be slammish also




1§-1¨-1©-1ª =  not game force

1§-1¨-1©-2ª =  game force with ♠


Other 4th suit auctions forcing to game


1¨ -1© -1ª -3§ = to play weak 4-6 (see special 4th suit auctions)

1© - 1ª - 2§ - 3♦ = weak 4-6 (see special 4th suit auctions)

1§ -1©-1ª -3¨ = forcing


2 special 4th suit auctions


1© - 1ª - 2§ - 2© = 4th suit game forcing (not slammish in majors)


1© - 1ª - 2§ - 2¨ = puppet to 2© (starts all invitational sequences) then

            2♠ = 6 card suit HCP to accept 3NT

            2NT = natural 5 card ♠ suit

            3♣ = natural

            3♦ = natural

            3♥ = playable only in ♥

            3♠ = playable only in ♠

1© - 1ª - 2§ - 2NT invitational no 5 card suit

1© - 1ª - 2§ - 3 = courtesy raise

1© - 1ª - 2§ - 3♦ = weak 4-6

1© - 1ª - 2§ - 3 = slammish

1© - 1ª - 2§ - 3♠ = slammish


1¨ - 1© - 1ª - 2¨= 4th suit game forcing (not slammish except in ♣)


1¨ - 1© - 1ª - 2§ = puppet to 2¨ starting all invitational sequences

            2♥ = invite with 6 card suit with HCP to accept 3NT

            2♠ = natural with HCP to accept 3NT

2NT (invitational with 5 card suit)

3 = natural

3♦ = natural

3 = playable only in

3 = playable only in



1¨ - 1© - 1ª - 2NT (invitational no 5 card suit)


1¨ - 1© -1ª -3§ = to play weak 4-6


1¨ - 1© - 1ª - 3♦,  = slammish

1¨ - 1© - 1ª - 3♥ = slammish

1¨ - 1© - 1ª - 3 = slammish


Special Puppet 4th suit auctions are not applicable by passed hands



1♥ - 1♠

            with 3532 and 3523 opener must raise to 2♠ showing 3

            with 2533 , or any natural 2♦ rebid opener rebids 1NT then

                        2♣ = puppet to 2♦ could start invitational sequence

                        2♦ = transfer to 2♥ could start game force sequence

                        2♥ = doubleton 8 – 10 HCP

                        2♠ = natural

                        2NT = natural no 5th spade

                        3 = to play weak

3♦, 3, 3 = slammish (whenever invitational and game force sequences are available bidding beyond is slammish except 3)

1♥ - 1♠ -

2♣ = natural


1♥ - 1♠ -

2♦ =  artificial shows 6 card heart suit (after 2♥ by responder opener may make strong descriptive rebids)



1♥ - 1♠ -

2♥ = artificial 4 card ♠ raise minimum


2NT = 2,2 18-19 HCP


3♣,3♦ = fragment 11-14 HCP

3ª = 2,2 with concentration 11-14 HCP


1© - 1ª

2NT = natural

            3§ = ¨ transfer

                        3© = 55 blacks

                        3ª = 55 pointed

                        3NT = 4 ªand  longer ¨

            3¨ =  © transfer

            3© = ª transfer

            3ª = 4 ª and longer §


1© - 1NT

2§ = 2+ ( 3532 or 4522 )


1© - 1NT

2§ - 2¨ = puppet to 2©

        2© = 9-10PC, 2©

        2ª = courtesy raise

        2NT = 10-11PC, no 4§

        3§ = 6§ weak

        3¨ = 6¨ weak

        3© = 3© inv.

        3ª = 6+§, 0-1ª

        3NT = (4333) 12-14PC, choice of game


1© - 1NT

2§ - 2¨

2© - 2ª = 10-11PC, 5§

        2NT = 10-11PC,4§

        3§ = 9-10PC, 6+§

        3¨ = 10-11PC, 6+¨

        3© = 5+good§ and Ax or Kx in ©


1© -1NT - 2ª = artificial game force.

1© - 1NT

2ª ® a) = 4+ªGF

          b) = 6+©GF

          c) = 4§GF

          d) = 4¨GF


1©- 1NT

2ª - 2NT ® ask ® 3§ = 4§

                                 3¨ = 4¨

                                 3© = 6+©

                                 3ª = 5ª

                                 3NT = 4ª


1© - 1NT

2ª - 3§/¨ = my own suit forcing to 4 of minor

        3© = 3© very bad hand


1© - 1NT – 2NT

            Responder xfers 3♣ = ♦,3♦ =♥ ,3♥ = both minors , 3♠ = ♣

1©- 1NT - 3§,3¨ = 3§/¨ ® 5+§/¨GF

1© -1NT - 4§ or 4¨ = singleton with 4© rebid.

1♥ - 2♠ = both minors invitational

1© - 3ª = mini splinter, 3NT asks (singleton showing is always lowest to show lowest)



1ª-1NT-2§ (opener rebids 2§ with 3-2 in minors) -2¨ = © transfer(with 5 but may not have length in ©)

1ª - 1NT

2§ - 2¨ = puppet to 2©, bid 2© with 2-3© or 2ª with 0-1©

2© - 2ª = 2 ª 8-9 hcp

        2NT = 10-11PC, 5©

        3§ = 10-11PC, 5§

        3¨ = 10-11PC, 6+¨ (bad ♦ suit or 4-6 reds, not possible by passed  hand)

       3© =  5/5 ♣ and ♥

        3ª = 5+ good § and Ax or Kx in ª


1ª - 1NT

2§ - 2© = 6+© 5-8PC

        2ª = weak

        2NT = 10-11PC no 5§

        3§ = 6§ weak

        3¨ = 6¨ weak

        3© = 8-9PC 6+© very good suit

        3ª = 3ª limit

        3NT = 12-14 (4333)



1ª - 1NT

2§ - 2¨

2♠ - 2NT = 10-11PC, 5

        3§ = to play

        3¨ = 10-11PC, 6+¨ (bad ♦ suit or 4-6 reds)

        3© =  5 ♣ and inv values rebid forcing to 4♣

         3ª = 5+ good § and Ax or Kx in ª

1ª-1NT- 2¨

            2© = puppet to 2ª either to play or starts invitational sequence

            2© - 2ª

                        2NT = ¨ support natural

                        3§ = reasonable § suit

                        3¨ = invitational

                        3© = reasonable ©suit

                        3ª = Ax or Kx in ª with ¨ support

1ª-1NT- 2¨ - 2ª = doubleton 8,9 HCP

1ª-1NT- 2¨ - 3¨ = courtesy raise

1ª-1NT- 2¨ - 3♥ = weak

1ª-1NT- 2¨ - 3NT = 3334 or3343 choice of game

1ª-1NT -2© -2NT- 3§ = puppet to 3¨ to prepare to play 3© or 3ª direct 3© or 3ª is forcing

1ª-1NT -2© - 3 = courtesy raise

                         3 = limit raise in

1ª-1NT-2NT-3§ = ¨ transfer

                        3¨ = © transfer

                        3© = ª transfer

                        3ª = both minors

1ª - 1NT

3§ ® a) = 4+§GF

           b) = ex.4© GF

           c) = 6+ª GF


1ª - 1NT

3§ - 3¨® ask ®3© = 4©

                                    4♣ = ♥ raise

                            3ª = 6+ª

                            3NT = 4§

                            4§ = 5+§ good hand


1ª - 1NT

3§ - 3© = my own suit 6 or 5 very good

        3ª = 3ª very bad hand

        4ª = to play 3ª 4-6PC


1ª-1NT-3¨= forcing jump shift

1ª-1NT-3© = forcing jump shift 5 5 in majors

            4♣ = ♥ raise

1ª-1NT - 4§ or 4¨ = singleton with 4♠ rebid.


1ª - 3NT = mini splinter, 3NT asks (singleton showing is always lowest to show lowest)



1©, 1ª, - 2NT – jump to 4 of major = absolute worst hand (1 control)


1©- 2NT - 3§ = minimum  hand, 3¨ asks,

            3© =  void (relay asks void)

3♠ = balanced with controls

3NT =♣ singleton,  4♣ = singleton 4♦ = singleton,



1© - 2NT - 3¨ = unbalanced with extras, 3© asks

                        3ª = void (relay asks void)

3NT = § singleton,  4§ = ¨ singleton 4♦ = singleton



1© - 2NT – 3© = 54xy playable in side 4 card suit relay asks suit


1© - 2NT – 3ª = 6322 or 7222 maximum or 5332 17,18


1© - 2NT – 3NT = 6322 or 7222 minimum


1© - 2NT - 4§ or 4¨ = 2 suiter shows 2 top honors in 2nd suit


1ª- 2NT - 3§ = minimum hand, 3¨ asks,

                        3© =  void (relay asks void)

3♠ = balanced with controls

3NT =♣ singleton,  4♣ = singleton 4♦ = singleton


1ª - 2NT - 3¨ = unbalanced with extras, 3© asks

                        3ª = void (relay asks void)

3NT = § singleton,  4§ = ¨ singleton 4♦ = © singleton


1ª - 2NT - 3© = 54xy playable in side 4 card suit relay asks suit               


1ª - 2NT - 3ª= 6322 or 7222 maximum or 5332 17,18


1ª - 2NT – 3NT = 6322 or 7222 minimum


1ª - 2NT - 4§, 4©, 4¨ = 4§ or 4¨ = 2 suiter shows 2 top honors in 2nd suit



            Opponent overcalls below 3 of our suit

                        X = penalty

                        3 of our suit shows singleton in opp suit

                        3NT = high stopper in opp suit with xtras

                        2nd suit = xtras with singleton

                        q = void

Opponent overcalls above 3 of our suit

            Pass = penalty type hand

            Bidding shows offensive type holding in opp suit with xtras

                        Pass and pull = offensive holding with wk nt,

                        X = shortness

            Note that in all auctions opener must always act with shortness in opponents suit



2§                   2¨ = 0-1 control, then


2©( Kokish)    2♠

2NT (25-26)                                       

            3♣ = hearts (allows)

                        3♦ = 2nd negative for ♥

            3♦ = ♦♥ 2 suiter

            3♥ = ♣ ♥ 2 suiter

            3♠ = ♠♥ canapé

            3NT = 27,28

                        4♣ = baron

                        4♦, 4♥, 4♠ = natural

            4NT = 29,30

                        4♣ = baron

                        4♦, 4♥, 4♠ = natural

2ª = natural

            3 = 2nd negative


2NT = 22 -24

            After natural 2NT 22 - 24 (differs from 2♦ openings and higher nts) then

3§ = Stayman

            (Smolen after 3¨) then over 3NT by opener

                        4§ =  long major transfer (allows last train / cue )

                        4♦ =  long major transfer no slam interest

                        4©= xy04

                        4♠ = xy40

3ª over 3© or 4© over 3ª = force in openers     major (opponent doubles stayman principles apply)

                        2 - 2X - 2NT – 3 - 3♦ - 4 = 5-5 Majors game only

                                                                    4 = 5-5 Majors forcing


3¨ = Jacoby transfer (Super accept shows concentration, 3NT shows concentration in transfer suit allowing re transfer)  If responder rebids 3ª he shows shortness.  Opener relays with 3NT to ask, responder then cues singleton (© = replacement for ª)

3© = Jacoby transfer. (Super accept shows concentration, 3NT shows concentration in transfer suit allowing re transfer)

2 - 2X - 2NT – 3 - 3 - 4 = 5-5 Majors invitational


            3ª = transfer to 3NT (only way to sign off at 3NT)

                        If responder continues then;

                                    4§ = x y 5 4

relay asks 2/2,3-1,1-3 (if relay response is 4NT bid higher with force)

                                    4¨ =  x y 4 5

relay asks 2/2,3-1,1-3 (if relay response is 4NT bid higher with force)


                                    4© = 2 1 5 5

                                    4ª = 1 2 5 5

                                    4NT = 2 2 x y

            3NT = § transfer

                        new suit shows shortness

            4§ = ¨ transfer

                        new suit shows shortness


3§ = natural

            3♦ = not 2nd negative (stopper showing instead)

3¨   = any 4441 bid suits up the line

3©  = § based strong 2 with 4 © canapé

3ª   = § based strong 2 with 4 ª canapé

3NT = § based strong 2

4¨   = § based strong 2 with 4 ¨ canapé

2© = 2 controls, then

            2ª = natural

            2NT 22+


            3§ = natural

3¨   = any 4441 bid suits up the line

3ª   = § based strong 2 with 4 ª canapé

3NT = § based strong 2

4¨   = § based strong 2 with 4 ¨ canapé

4©  = § based strong 2 with 4 © canapé

2ª = 3 controls , Structures similar

2NT =  any six card or longer suit headed by KJ10, KQ10,KQJ or KQJ10 no side controls

                        Opener may bid 3 of a major natural , 3¨ with 3 suiter or 3§ to ask suit. 

Responder bids suit below suit (¨=©, ©=ª, ª=§, NT =¨) if opener then relays he asks for suit quality with 4 step response as follows

            1st step = KJ10

            2nd step = KQ10

            3rd step = KQJ

            4th step = KQJ10

If opener relays again it asks for suit length

            3 step response = 6, 7 or 8 card suit

N Deals

E-W Vul





































EW 7N; EW 7♠; EW 7; EW 2♣; EW 1; Optimal Contract −2220

2§ - 2NT

3§(relay) - 3© (suit below)

3ª (relay)  - 4¨ (KQJ)

question becomes how to bid best grand


3§ = 4 controls

3¨ = 5 controls

3© = solid six card minor

3ª = solid six card major

3NT = any solid seven card suit




Double indicates 2nd negative type hand

            With neg X type hand pass

            2NT = full control stopper natural (with tertiary stopper pass and rebid 3NT)

            q bid = unbalanced stayman like take out


if overcall is 2♦

then reverse majors with semi positive + values ie. 2♥ = ♠ & 2♠ = ♥ 3♣ = ♣ 3♦ = un balanced negative x type hand

if overcall is 2

then 2 = ♦,   3 = (no need to transfer to ) 3♦ = 3 = un balanced negative x type hand

if overcall is 2

            then 3 = 3♦ = 3♥ = ♦ 3 = un balanced negative x type hand


if overcall is 2NT

            then 3 =  , 3♦ = , 3 = 3 = ♦

if overcall is 3

            3♦ = , 3 =

if overcall is 3♦


if overcall is 3


if opener jumps in major or diamonds after pass by responder it shows canapé hand




2¨ showing 19-21 balanced or ¨ force

ALTERNATE treatment showing  18-19 balanced or ¨ force (see 2nt jump rebids and revert to 2NT opening 20-21, with 2§ structure continuations, abandon shariff 3¨ opening)

Responses       2© = ª transfer then

2ª = minimum. If responder raises to 3ª he shows only 5 trump as to right side game contracts.

If responder rebids 2NT he shows a six card ª suit asking opener to cooperate


2NT = ª super accept with 19-21 balanced. Responder may retransfer with 3©


All other calls show ¨ force. 3ª would show ª super accept with ¨ force

If opener shows 4 card major with strong 2 in¨then 4 § by responder is an adv     qqqqqqqqqqqqqbance in openers major


                                    2ª = transfer to 2NT then

                                                3§ = stayman (opponent doubles stayman principles apply)

                                                3¨ = © transfer If responder rebids 3ª he shows shortness. 

Opener relays with 3NT to ask, responder then cues singleton (© = replacement for ª)

                                                3© = minors (3♠ by opener suggests interest)

                                                3ª = ♣ transfer (with medium values)


                                    2NT = § transfer (either weak or strong) then

                                                3¨, 3©, 3ª = shortness

                                                3N = quantitative


                                                4¨, 4©, 4ª, = exclusion bw


                                    3§ = ¨ transfer then

                                                3©,3ª = shortness

                                                3NT = quantitative

                                                4§ = shortness


                                                4©, 4ª, 5§ = exclusion bw


                        3¨, 3©, 3ª, 3NT = 4441 (each bid shows suit below singleton NT = ¨)

                        if opener cues singleton it asks total controls 1st step 0-1 2nd step 2 etc.

                        4♦, 4♥ = texas

Interference over 2¨

            After overcall, x = negative with values to accept 3NT (Pass with 0 count)

                        Opener reopens with x on correct shapes, reopens with 2NT on absolute maximums , other reopenings show ♦ force

After 2© or 2ª overcall 2NT, 3§, 3¨, 3© = transfersohl as after 1NT opening

But 2NT always announces weak hand, higher transfers show game going values

Texas transfers still on




Occurs when responder has bid (or made negative X) at one level  showing some values and 4th hand bids 2 of something higher than openers suit


Includes responses of 1NT


If opener jumps to 3 NT he could have either balanced 18

or long minor type hand (although not when playing 2¨ opening 18-19 balanced)



            2§ = both majors

            2¨ = major one suiter

2♠ shows heart accept short spades

(with independent ♠ suit bid 2♠ followed  by 3♠ if partner shows ♥

                        2NT by advancer asks whether overcaller has a max or min

                                    3♣ by overcaller = min

                                    3♦ = xfer to ♥ with max

                                    3♥ = xfer to ♠ with max

                        3♣ asks opener to xfer to his major

                        3♦ = invitational values for both majors

                        3♥ = preemptive pass or correct

            2© = © + minor

            2♠ = ♠ + minor

                        2NT = asks minor some values                      

3♣ = hopeless hand pass or correct               

3♦ = invitational in our major

double = either minor one suiter or canapé with 4 card major and longer minor

generally forces  2♣ (advancer bids 2♣ with no interest in overcallers major if he had one, bids 2♦ to ask opener to bid major with canapé hand, may have to play 3♣ instead of 2♣) followed by

                                    pass = ♣ one suiter

2♦ =one suiter

2♥ = canapé with longer minor

2♠ = canapé with longer minor


After a minor suit opening and a1NT overcall by opponent then

2§ = TO for majors 2¨ = major one suiter 2M = Major and minor

After 2C both majors 2D by opener is still choose a major


Same applies after

            (1m) P (1NT)

            (1m) P (1NT) P (P)

            1m (1NT) , but

            *double has normal meaning in these auctions




After a weak 2 in ¨

(2¨) – 2NT – (P) then

            3§ = stayman (with smolen continuation)

            3¨= © transfer

            3© = ª transfer

            3ª = § transfer


            Roman Jumps (Forcing)

                        4♣ = ♣ and ♥

                        4♦ =  ♣ and ♠

Cue bid = both majors (¨auction only see below re majors)



After a weak 2 in ©

(2©) – 2NT – (P) then

            3§ = transfer to ¨ then

                        3ª = very weak to play

                        3© = balanced stayman

                        3NT = ¨ suit slam try

            3¨ = ª transfer with at least invitational values

            3© = stayman unbalanced

            3ª = § transfer


            Roman Jumps (Forcing)

                        4♣ = ♣ and

                        4♦ =  ♦ and

Cue bid = one suiter stopper ask

4© = minors better hand

4NT = minors lesser hand



After a weak 2 in ª

(2ª) – 2NT – (P) then

            3§ = transfer to ¨ then

                        3© = very weak to play

                        3ª = balanced stayman

                        3NT = ¨ suit slam try

            3¨ = © transfer with at least invitational values

            3© = § transfer

3ª = stayman unbalanced


Roman Jumps (Forcing)

                        4♣ = ♣ and

                        4♦ =  ♦ and

Cue bid = one suiter stopper ask

4ª = minors better hand

4NT = minors lesser hand


(2¨) – P – P - 2NT then

            3§ = stayman (with smolen continuation)

            3¨= © transfer

            3© = ª transfer

            3ª = § transfer



(3any) – 3NT

            4§ asks

                        4¨ = long suit type overcall

                        4© (15 – 17). 4ª (18-19), 4NT (20 +) = quantitative

            4¨,4© = transfer if possible  

            4ª = both minors or other minor depending on opponents suit



VS WEAK NT          

Weak NTs are defined as point ranges less than 14-16.  2§ = TO for majors 2¨ = major one suiter 2M = Major and minor

When we double, if responder runs to a suit then double by advancer is TO. Pass by advancer is forcing and double by opener is TO.


            If we double a wk NT it creates a force through 2©

            Advancers double is TO


            Doubles of stayman and transfers are card showing




2 of major rebid negative.  2© rebid after ª opening is forcing

Pas - 1©/ª

2§ = 9-11 3+©/ª

Pas – 1/

2 - 2♦ = ambiguous

            2 way game tries still applicable here


            2/ = min.

            2 over 1 opening = nat.+ forcing

            2NT = slammish

                        3♣ = min with 3 trump

                        3♦ = unbalanced min with 3 trump (relay asks singleton)

                        3♥ = side suit (with 3 trump) relay asks suit

                        3♠ = controlfull flat hand with 4 trump

                        3NT = splinter in auction

                        4♣,♦,♥ = splinter in ♠ auction

                        4 our major = 4 trump flat bad controls

pas - 1©

2ª = 5-5 m’s 9-11

2NT = fit jump with ♣

3§ = nat.6+§  9-11

3¨ = fit jump

3© = 5 trump balanced

3ª = 5+© and singleton relay asks

3NT/4§/4¨ = 5+ © and void ª/§/¨


pass -1♠

            2NT = fit jump with ♣

3§ = nat.6+§  9-11

3¨ = fit jump

            3♥ = fit jump

3♠ = 5 trump balanced

3NT + 5+♠ and singleton relay asks

4♣,4♦,4♥ = void and 5 + ♠


pass -1♠

2§ 2¨

2© = last train (unavailable in © auction)





After a queen ask, sign off without queen of trump or show cheapest king.  5NT acts as replacement to show king of relay suit.

In order for bw to be 1430 the major must be established below game, with the following exceptions;

            (4 any) 4 M (P) 4NT


            1m (4 level overcall) 4M (P)



1M (P) 2 over 1 (P)

            3M jump (P) 4NT


5NT direct response to bW =  2 + useful void

Jump to 6§ = 1+ useful void jump in void if possible (6♥ = ♠ in ♥ auction)




0 or 4,1,2,3 straight up the line key cards.  No queen asks




5♣ =    1 or 4,

5♦ =     0,3,6

5♥ =    2 or 5 no queens

5♠ =     2 or 5 lower queen

5NT = 2 or 5 higher queen

6♣ =    2 or 5 both queens



We raise from 2 -3 of our minor (4 red or 4♠ if ♥ already natural)

We jump rebid our minor

1NT followed by minor +1

4N rebids after ask are to play.


1 minor – 1 major

2NT* - 4 minor


5¨ over §s and 5© over ¨s are grand trys.  Show cheapest king or sign off with no kings.  5NT =king of relay suit.





(2¨) – X  - P -

            2NT = lebensohl for ♣

                        followed by major = invitational

                        followed by q = at least 1 major and stopper

                        followed by 3NT = one stopper

            3♦ = both majors no stopper

            Jump to 3M = forcing

            Jump to 3NT = confidence


(2©) – X – P-

            2NT = choice of minor lebensohl

                        or if followed by Q bid = other major + stopper

                        or if followed by 3NT = one stopper

                        or if followed by 3ª = invitational

            3§ = clubs extended  HCP range

            3¨ = natural constructive

            3© = directionless force

            3ª = forcing

            3NT = confidence


(2ª) – X – P –

            2NT = choice of minor lebensohl

                        or if followed by Q bid = stopper + ♥s

                        or if followed by 3NT = one stopper

                        or if followed by 3© = weak

            3§ = clubs extended  HCP range

            3¨ = natural constructive

            3© = natural constructive

            3ª = other major

            3NT = confidence



            Michael’s Cue Bid

            1M – 2M

                        2NT = asks minor some values                      

3♣ = hopeless hand pass or correct               

3♦ = invitational in our major


            1m – 2m

                        2NT = range ask

                                    3♣ = worst values

                                    3♦ = medium values

                                    3♥ =56xy

                                    3♠ = 65xy

                                    3NT = maximum

                        3♣ = invitational in ♥

                        3♦ = invitational in ♠

(1m) P (1M) 2m= Michaels

(1♣) P (1♦) 2♣ = Michaels

                    2♦ = natural


After  michaels q advancers 4 d in comp over opponents 3 of their major announces good hand for our major and creates force




4§ = strong 4© opening, 4¨ = strong 4ª opening  Provisions: suit always headed by AK or better but not 7 solid and out (see Sharrif 3¨ opening)

                                                                                    can contain an outside ace


4§-4¨ = slam try with 1 or 3 key cards

                        opener signs off with ony 2 (those being the AK of trump)

                        opener cues an outside ace, 4NT = replacement for ª ace to allow…

                        4ª = opener announces an outside void.  4NT asks void

4¨-4©= slam try with 1 or 3 key cards

                        opener signs off with ony 2 (those being the AK of trump)

                        opener cues an outside ace

                        4NT = opener announces an outside void.  5§ asks void

4§ -4NT = 2 key card slam try no fast losers at least 2 small trump


4¨ - 4NT = 2 key card slam try no fast losers at least 2 small trump


4§ - 4ª,5§,5¨ = 2 key card slam try with fast losers in bid suit (denial cue bid)


4¨ - 5§,5¨, 5© = 2 key card slam try with fast losers in bid suit (denial cue bid)


4§-5©= 2 key card slam try no fast losers singleton or void in trump


4¨-5ª= 2 key card slam try no fast losers singleton or void in trump


Interference ; below our suit substitute pass for 1,3 key card slam try




ADVANCERS ACTIONS (after 1 level overcall)

No force other than q available

            If overcaller cues it is forcing to game

New suits by advancer =  not forcing

2 level new suit by advancer  = non forcing

jump in new suit by advancer = excellent hand

Jump q’s by advancer = mixed raise

Jump raise by advancer = weak


If advancer cues and opener acts then passing shows worst hand (creates non force ) bidding infers some offense



1.         1§  - (1¨) – x –( p )

1NT- ( p  ) - 2§ = nat NF

                     2¨ = TR ©

                     2© = TR 4ª

                     2ª = cue bid (kolor wroga )

                     3¨ = 4414 GF


1.1       1§  - (1¨) – x –( p )

2NT- ( p  ) - 3§ = nat GF

                     3¨ = TR ©

                     3© = TR 4ª

                     3ª =  4414

2.         1§  - (1¨) – 1© –( p )

1NT- ( p  ) - 2§ = nat NF

                     2¨ = TR 4+©

                     2© = TR ª

                     2ª = cue bid (kolor wroga )


2.1       1§  - (1¨) – 1©–( p )

2NT- ( p  ) - 3§ = nat GF

                     3¨ = TR 4+©

                     3© = TR ª

                                 3ª = 4315

 3.        1§  - (1©) – x –( p )

1NT- ( p  ) - 2§ = nat NF

                     2¨ = nat NF

                                 2© = TR ª

                     2ª = cue bid (kolor wroga )

                     3© = 4144 GF

3.1       1§  - (1©) – x –( p )

2NT- ( p  ) - 3§ = nat

                     3¨ = nat

                                 3© = TR ª

                     3ª = 4144 (4135)

4.        1¨  - (1©) – x –( p )

           1NT- ( p  ) - 2§ = nat NF

                     2¨ = nat NF

                                 2© = TR ª

                     2ª = cue bid (kolor wroga )

4.1       1¨  - (1©) – x –( p )

2NT- ( p  ) - 3§ = nat

                     3¨ = nat

                                 3© = TR ª

                     3ª = 4144 (4135)



After a 2 level reverse 4th suit or 2ª whichever is cheaper is forcing but responder might pass openers rebid.

If opener has a game force he should not rebid his minor or 2NT.

Jumps to 3NT by responder show 10-12.


1m – 1NT – 2M – preference to minor = non force

                               in openers minor4th suit = force


1♣ - 1♠ - 2♥ - 2♠ - 3♥ = not necessarily 6/5 (opener would pull 3NT with good 6/5)

                                       in ♦ reverse auction, opener may have to guess how to rebid


if responder jumps to 4NT after reverse it is ace only blackwood




After direct X,Stayman and major suit transfer are on. Redouble asks opener to bid 2§.

Same applies after 1NT overcall of a minor, but


(1♥) 1NT (X) XX = minor one suiter

                        2C = C + another

                        2D = D + S

                        2H = xfer


(1) 1NT (X) XX = minor one suiter

                        2C = C + another

                        2D = D + H

                        2H = natural



1NT (P) P (X)

P      (P) XX = minor one suiter

                        2C = C + another

                        2D = D + another

                        2H = H + S



1NT sandwhich overcall = natural

            q of responders suit = stayman

            2 of other suits including opener = natural but:

After (1) - P - (1) – 1NT

            2 = ,  2♦ = ♦ ,2 = transfer ,2 = q bid, 2NT natural, 3 minor = invitational

DON’T runouts over penalty doubles


2 of RHO suit = natural

2 of openers suit = michael’s


By Passed Hand

P (1§) P (1ª)

1NT =fifth © only fourth ¨

2§ = 5,5

2NT = more shape 5/6 or better

with fourth © only option is X


P (1§) P (1©)

1NT =

2§ =  5/5

2NT = more shape 5/6 or better






After 1 of a minor P P, 1NT = 11-14. 

After 1 of a major P P, 1NT = 10-16

If responder bids 2§, the one no trumper

bids at the 2 level with 10-12

bids 2NT with 13,14 followed by stayman 

bids at the 3 level with 15-16




A 3¨ opening shows a seven card solid suit with no entries.

            3© by responder is pass or correct

            3ª by responder is game force then

                        opener bids suit below his suit 3NT = §, 4§ = ¨ 4¨ = © 4© =ª




Standard support double sequences are on.  They include after a TO double as well as overcall by openers LHO. Support X is not mandatory.

Double of a “sandwich” NT is   support

Double of a strong  NT overcall is   not support

If 4th hand q bids or bids a new suit support x is on

Support redoubles are on




When opponent overcalls 2NT for minors,

Over 2nt unusual 3 is other major 3♦ is limit in partners major

3NT is game force in partners major

Double of 2NT shows defense against one or both of their suits or

x follow by other major is 5 card suit weak

pass follow by x is 4 cards in others major

To play 3NT responder must x first

          Other calls and raises are competitive or to play.


When opponent overcalls 1♣ with 2NT for reds

            3♦ = ♠ force

            3♥ = ♣ force

            3♠ = to play


Over Opponents Michaels

1♥ (2♥) 2♠ = ♣ transfer

              2NT = limit plus in ♥

              3♣ = ♦ transfer

               3♦ = mixed raise in ♥

1♠ (2♠)  2NT = ♣ transfer (caution avoid wrong siding 3NT!)

  3 = ¨ transfer

   3¨ = mixed raise in ª

    3 = limit plus raise

X = defensive

3NT = natural






 redouble is penalty.  System on

After Capaletti 2§ double = stayman other system on

            If responder passes and then doubles it is Take out

            If opener doubles 2¨ by advancer then he shows a generally “good” NT inviting responder to act



            Standard treatment.  Reasonably good 6 card suits. 2NT asks feature.  New suit forcing. 

If opener jumps to 4§ or 4¨ after 2NT he shows 6-4


After opponents TO X “McCabe” is on.  Responder makes a lead directional call or bids 2NT to run.





1©       (X)       1ª = nat

                        INT = §

                        2§ = ¨

                        2¨ =  © constructive

                        2© = raise 0-6 HCP

                        3♣ = 4 trump raise mixed


1ª       (X)       INT = §

                        2§ = ¨

                        2¨ =  ©

                        2© = ª constructive

2ª = raise 0-6 HCP

                        3♣ = 4 trump raise mixed


1§ -  X -          1♦(4 or 5 pieces),2♦ (6 pieces weak or strong),3♦ (invitational 6+) = ♥ transfers,

1♥(4 or 5 pieces), 2(6 pieces weak or strong),3(invitational 6+)  = ♠ transfers,

1♠ = NT transfer (could be prelude to ♦ )

2 = limit raise in

2NT = weak club raise

3 = weak


1¨ -  X -           no transfers

3 = limit in minor

            2NT = weak jump raise in ♦

            2♥, 2♠ = fit showing

            3♣ = mixed raise in ♦


After opponents neg x transfers are on from 1NT through 2♥

            Immediate raises to 2 of major = preemptive

Xfer to 2M = constructive



1§ - ( 1¨ ) – x   = 4-5©

                     1© = 4-5ª

                     1ª = tr®NT

                     1NT = nat

                     2§ = NF

                     2¨ = 6© wk or GF

                     2© = 6ª wk or GF

                     2ª = § inv.+

                     2NT = nat inv.

                     3§ =§ pre

                     3♦ = 6+♥ inv.

                     3© = 6+♠ inv

                     3ª = 0-1♦ splinter

            4♦ = Texas

            4♥ = Texas




1§ - ( 1© ) –x = 4-5♠

                     1ª ® a) NT

                                b) ♦ NF

                     1NT = nat

                     2§ = nat

                     2¨ = ♦ inv.+

                     2© = 6+ª wk or GF

                     2ª = §inv.+

                     2NT = nat

                     3§ = 6+§ inv

                     3¨ = 6+¨ inv

                     3© = 6+♠ inv

                     3ª = 0-1♥ splinter

                     4♥ = Texas


After 1¨ (1©)  then

            x = ª transfer (with as few as 4 cards), 1ª = NT transfer (responder may not intend to play NT)

            1NT Natural



After 1§ (1¨)  then

            2¨ = 6 card heart suit, 2©= six card spade suit 2ª = limit raise in §

After 1§ (1©)

            2© = six card spade suit, 2ª = limit raise in §

After 1¨ (1©)  then

            2© = six card spade suit, 2ª = limit raise in ¨



Jump raises to 3 level in competition could be  “weak” or “mixed” depending on colors and position (in other words extended HCP range 0 – 8 or so)



Jump q in overcallers suit after major opening is splinter

Jump q in    after minor opening is 3NT transfer

Direct jump q in minor = stopper ask

Direct jump q in major = stopper ask

Jump q by advancer = mixed raise

Indirect jump q in minor = stopper ask

Indirect jump q in major = stopper ask

(1M) 2m (P) 3M = mixed

(1♠) 2♥ (P) 3♠ = splinter



Fit showing jumps by passed hands

            After major opening

3♣ = clubs

                        2NT = fit jump wuth 

Passed hand jumps to game are fit showing


Fit showing jumps in comp to 4 of minor by unpassed after major opening


In competitive ♦ auctions ( we open or overcall ) jumps to 2 of a major are fit showing 5 cards in major and at least 4 cards in ♦ non forcing range 6-9 HCP reasonable non wastage

P (1 )  1 ♦ (P)

2 ,*


(1 )  1 ♦ (1 ) 2 *


1♦ (X) 2 Major but 3♣ = mixed ¨ raise * (no transfers available)


(1 )  1 ♦ (2 ) 3 *



After opponents neg x transfers are on from 1NT through 2♥

Immediate raises to 2 of major = preemptive

Xfer to 2M = constructive



Ace from AK vs suit but;

            A from AK when we pass out a weak two bid or lower

            In preemptive auctions higher than above leadK

            At 5 level no matter what lead K

            When partner of a TO doubler is on lead lead K

Roman mud (2nd highest) throughout (opening lead and middle of hand)

4th best with honor

Smith Echo

J, 10, 9 = 0 or 2 only during hand


K from AK then shift to another suit = singleton in shift suit

2♥ (3♦) P (P)


N Deals

None Vul





































W 2N; NS 2; E 1N; NS 1♠; NS 1♣; Optimal Contract −100: NS 3×−1


Odd even first discard

Regular count and attitude

Vs NT K asks unblock Q asks attitude

Lead 9 from honor 98 ( lead 8 from 98XX or 98x no honor)

Attitude in general at trick 1

            If visible singleton suit preference (no presumed singletons)

            If 3rd hand is known to have length in suit then middle is encouraging and high low is suit preference

In other situations where 3 way signals are available then suit preference is on



Trap Doubles

(1) P (1) P

(1NT) X* = take out of


(1) P (1) P

(1) X* = take out of

these type doubles are TO of last suit not power offshape in traditional sense, with offshape power hands better to overcall 1NT but


(1) P (1NT) P

(P)    X = penalty trap


(1) P (1) P

(1NT) P (P)  X = penalty  trap


1¨ (1ª) P (2ª)

P    (P)    X= take out, 2NT = §suit with 3 card¨ support













double of splinter bid = sacrifice oriented nv vs v otherwise lead directional for suit below splinter suit


we open bidding (overcall) 3 level jump shift (not defined as conventional) = excellent one suiter eg; 1♠ (2♣) 3♦*


Vs polish club 2♣ = natural 2♦ = Michaels


Vs strong club X = majors 1NT = minors


Vs precision ♦ (short)

2¨ = natural in direct

2© = weaker michaels

3¨ = strong michaels in direct

(1¨) P (1©) 2¨ = natural (overcall ª with 55 blacks)

(1¨) P (1ª) 2¨ = michaels

(1¨) P (1©) 3¨ = 

(1¨) P (1ª) 3¨ = 


VS 2NT opening showing both minors

3c is 54 majors

3D is 55 majors




Opponent overcalls our NT with 2♦ showing 1 major, then X = negative of ♥ and pass followed by X = negative of , direct 2 and 2 to play

Transfersohl front of card applies

            2nt = §

            3§ = ¨

            3¨ = © invitational +

            3© =ª invitational +

We make a TO X  and opponent bids then

            X = penalty if their call was a major

            X = responsive if their call was a minor

            X = suit showing if their call was a transfer

            X = suit showing if their call was artificial raise

            2NT = better minor lebensohl over 2 of their suit or artificial raise

            Q bid of their lower suit = invitational in our higher suit

Q bid in their higher suit is invitational in our lower suit

            If corresponding q bids allow 2 of either of our suits that takes priority

Jumps weak

Bids at 2 level to play



Super accepts of major suit transfers over 2NT are concentration showing (3NT shows concentration in transfer suit )


Handling 1435 and 1453 non reversible minimums

            Do not rebid 1NT with small singleton

            With singleton honor ok to rebid 1NT

            With 1453 rebidding 2♣ on tripleton is acceptable

            With 1435 (worst case) rebidding 2♣ on 5 is acceptable with reasonable suit otherwise “guess what to do”



1M (simple overcall) q = limit exactly

                               2NT = forcing raise in major

                                    by passed hand 2NT = natural


responder bids new suit in competition at three level = non forcing


1any – 4NT = straight aces


(1 any) 3 of their suit = asking for stopper ( including minors (1) - 3 and (1♦) – 3♦ )


(1M) – P – (2M) – 3M = one suiter asking for stopper



(1♦) – P – (1M) – P

(1NT) – 2 = two places to play


1 - 1

3 - 4 = ♥ raise


1♠ - 1NT

3 - 4 = raise


1♠ - 1NT

3♥ - 4 = raise


1 - 1NT

3 - 3♦

3 - 4 = raise




1NT (P) 2 (2M)

P      (P) X = penalty but


1NT (P) 2 (2♦)

P      (P) X = TO



1NT (P) 2 (2 any)

X = penalty     





(1♥)  1♠  (2♥)

            x= limit raise in ♠ (3♥ shows 4 trump)

            2NT = minors


(1)  2  (2)

             x= limit raise in ♥

            2NT = minors





(1♦) 1♠ (P) 2♦

(P)      2♥ = last train


(1♠) x (4♠)

            5♥ = slam possible

            4NT followed by 5 ♥ = to play

            (also applies in other auctions where we have made TO X and they bid to 4♠)4NT in comp = best raise

Pass and pull = good raise

Pass and 4NT = interested in other strains



1m (1♠) 3♠ = 3NT transfer



1♥ (1♠) 3♠ = splinter

             4♣, 4♦ = fit showing (in comp only splinter in opp suit)




1♣ (P) 1♥ (P)

1♠ (P) 3♦* = forcing


1 (P) 1 (P)

2♣ (P) 3♦* = weak


1♦ (P) 1♥ (P)

1♠ (P) 3* = weak



1,♦ (P) 1 (1)

1NT = good weak nt



1,♦ (P) 1 (1)

P       (P)  Q = game force

                Our minor to play

                 Other minor = invitational



E Deals
 Vul EW

♠ 10
♣ J632


♠ A965
♣ Q95


♠ J83

♣ AK874



♠ KQ742
♣ 10



(1)  1♠   (P) 1NT

(P)     2♦   (P) 3* = to play, raise to 3♦ only possibility to support ♦


(1♦)   1♠    (P) 1NT

(P)     2   (P) 2♦ = to play

in overcall auction available as q bid in above auction no q available (raise instead)





(1any) X (P) 1NT

(p)        2 minor = non force, jump in minor forcing

note that if advancer had jumped to 2NT then of a 3 minor becomes forcing


After a 1 opening, interference, then ♦ reverses at 2,3 and 4 level are forcing


1 minor (1NT) P (P)

X = TO of other minor


Power auctions after our TO double

            Q followed by free bid = game force

            Jump Q = game force

            Q = non game force

            3 level Q in comp = game force

            2 q bids by doubler = game force


Over opponents XX pass follow by bid shows cards, direct jump over XX is weak


1 (X) 2♦* (P)

2 (P)  3♦ = invitational in reds, 3 = invitational in rounds





(1♦) P (1) P

(1NT) 2 = 2 places to play


(1,) – 2, - (3, ) –    3NT = to play

                                                4 = pick minor non force

                                                4NT = pick minor force


(Major suit preempt)  X  (5 of Major) pass = forcing with constructive values, X = bad hand wanting to defend sacrifice, we presume that advancer is weak


In competitive auctions where 3NT is a viable but uncertain contract, double and or the use of 3 should be considered interest in 3NT,


1 (2) 2♦ (2)

3♦ (3)  X* (P)

3* (P) 3NT (P)


E Deals
Both Vul

♠ K83
♣ 7


♠ 95
♣ K32


♠ AJ1074

♣ 86



♠ Q62
♣ AQJ10954



*in this case X indicates not willing to give up on 3NT as does 3, the worrisome suit is inferred to be




P (P) 1NT (2 one suiter)

3♦ minor 55 (P) 3 (P)


* not able to bid 3NT with partial spade stopper but also not willing to give up on 3NT


After overcall by opponent, 4 of other minor is Texas


Last train CAN be used at 5, 6, and 7 level


Opponent’s Responder  q bids our overcall

            If one or both major is still available our double is responsive

            Also applies when they make artificial raise however

            (1) 2♦ (3) 3NT = natural but,

            (1) 2 (3) 3NT = minors , 3NT natural unplayable


If we overcall 2NT unusual for minors, then advancers q bid is forcing to game


After 1m and 2m rebid by opener 2NT by responder is one round force


4NT opening = massive 5 of minor opening (ie 10 tricks)


After major opening in 1 or 2nd seat and overcall by opponent 2NT = game force in major but does not preclude 3NT as final contract.  Opener responds as Jacoby 2NT but can pass 3NT if he has shown a balanced minimum. (Note that with hopeless balanced minimum opener should not bid 4M to allow 3NT by responder)


Over 2NT opening 20-21 5§ = aces only blackwood


Mixed raise rules

Jump to one under = mixed if nothing else available, mixed takes priority so weak  jump not available in § auctions (corollary; if jump is available it shows runnable long suit opposite high doubleton honor)

            When 2 cue bids are available then higher is mixed


When we make a TO or reopening X after a natural 1NT by us then 2NT is always TO two places to play

            EXCEPTION; when we overcall their major with 1NT it is natural to play


In minor suit power auctions (2/1, reverses) 4 of minor is worst ( or best hand)


Over Opponent’s  3 of minor (including raises to 3 of their minor and (2) P (3) to us )


4§ = both majors

4♦ = one major

4 = + minor

4 = + minor


Delayed Heart Raises

1§ - 1

1♠ - 1NT

2♦ = puppet to 2 minimum 3 card support,

direct 2 = xtras


1♦ - 1

1♠ - 1NT

2§ = puppet to 2♦,

            Then 2 = minimum tripleton heart

2♦ - 4360 xtras

2 = xtras

Inverted Minor § auction

1§ - 2§

2NT - 3♦ = either short D or mild quantitative raise/ 3H asks/ 3S = short D, 3N = mild quantitative raise






When opener makes a 4 level rebid in comp after 1 of a major by responder then single jumps are natural strong jump shifts and double jumps show support for responders major. Jump to 4 level in opponents suit = splinter, double jump to 4th suit = splinter with control in opponents suit, jump to 4 of own minor = support for responders major.With balanced support for partners major make a cue bid.  Cue bid could also be strong 1 suiter


When we open a major and raise to 2 of M in competition, 3 level bids by opener followed by game bid does not promise slam try as it would out of competion.


Anytime we make a shape relay and the highest response is one step below game in an agreed M, not leaving us a last train bid, making that normal response shows either a hand that would sign off if partner bid last train, or a hand that has 5 level values on its own and will continue to bid over a sign off. Bidding 4 of our M shows a hand that would do more than sign off over last train but that is not willing to get to the 5 level unless partner has some more life.